Blinded by the Light?

Artist in Residence Workshop at Titchmarsh Primary School


Blinded by the light? Absolutely not. The children of Titchmarsh School weren’t phased by it at all. In fact, they were all very happy to spend a day painting with it. Today, four electronic painting workshops using the iPad following the same timetable as Monday, and the day began by working with the Year 3/4 group. Everyone looked different this time though, it was a dressing-up day and each child appeared either as an artist or as a famous painting. I took on the persona of Jack the Dripper, aka Jackson Pollock, however this was in appearance only, I didn’t spend the day drinking and was determined not to crash my car on the way home!

As with the previous workshop this session was followed by working with a Reception year group, Year 1 and Year 2. Each session began with an introduction to the Brushes app. and gaining familiarity with the brush, eraser and colour palettes. The workshops included directly drawn ‘paintings’ as well as working with captured images relating to their special topics.

Titchmarsh Primary School, School Lane, Titchmarsh, Kettering NN14 3DR

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