I should have known better. With lifting and shifting to accommodate the various sections being a feature of the working day, drawing the design was bound to take longer than one session. I was being too optimistic and too eager to start painting. The drawing process, as with the preparation of the surface, has to be respected and given the time it requires or it could be disastrous.

The last thing I want is to complete a painting for ‘Fubridge Acadamy’ or for some other mistake to occur. Many years ago, when living in Brighton and preparing a mural for the departure lounge of the Seajet terminal at the marina, I had spent several weeks with the project before I noticed that the large hand of the central figure dominating the composition actually had 6 fingers!

Two days have been spent drawing and the process is still far from finished. Nevertheless, the ‘Fulbridge Academy’ lettering has been drawn across 3 of the sections and I’ve read it a thousand times to convince myself it has been spelt correctly! The two child figures are also in position and the first doves are beginning to appear.

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