Tag: Mural
Wild Wood
Library Mural at Gt. Doddington Primary June/July & Nov/Dec 24 ‘The pattering increased till it sounded like sudden hail on the dry-leaf carpet spread around him. The whole wood seemed running now, running hard, hunting, chasing, closing in round something or – somebody? In panic, he began to run too, aimlessly, he knew not whither.…
The Liquidator
‘I was born under a Wanderers scarf’ “Why are you a Wolverhampton Wanderers supporter?” I’ve been asked for an explanation countless times over the years. But it’s a valid question. After all, I wasn’t born in Wolverhampton, nor have I ever lived or worked there and even though the School of Art is very close…
O Mistress Mine
‘Paulo’ Library Mural at Denfield Park Primary, Rushden Jan – March 24 ‘What a sweet mistress is this perspective!’ – Paolo Uccello On 1st March last year I received a message from Angela Griffiths, Head of Denfield Park Primary, enquiring about painting murals on two walls in the school library, so this project came within…
Just My Imagination (Running Away with Me)
Entrance Lobby Mural at Gt. Doddington Primary October – November 23 ‘But it was just my imaginationRunnin’ away with meIt was just my imagina-a-tionRunnin’ away with me’ (Barrett Strong / Norman Whitfield 1971) A new location for a ‘Bigger Picture’ project, Gt. Doddington Primary, nestled cosily in a village situated just off the A45 close…
Dance of the Mayfly
‘A Mural for Myah’ at Warmington School 11/12/13 April 23 My Mayfly Day In all the expanse of time From the first glimmer To the wink of the last sun I find I am here Here in this fraction of a moment That includes me And for this, my personal Mayfly day I am more…
Walk The Dinosaur
The Fulbridge Academy Corridor Mural – Harry and the Dinosaurs July 12 Harry & the Bucketful of Dinosaurs – Ian Whybrow Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
Don’t Stop
‘Yesterday’s Gone’ Mural at The Clayton Rooms, Pavilion Drive, Oundle School 19/20 & 26/27 Nov 22 A new venue for a ‘Bigger Picture’ project and pretty much on my home patch too being only a couple of miles from home. Considering the 120 mile daily round trip to Leicester I had not so long ago to…
Thank You For The Music………Encore!
The Fulbridge Academy Music Room Project – The Cavern………. Sept ’22 ‘Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing. Thanks for all the joy they’re bringingWho can live without it? I ask in all honesty. What would life be?Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the…
Come Together………….3
The Fulbridge Academy Sistine Chapel Project – The Sequel Movie……..the very end Aug ’22 Then, 7 years later, I returned to the Fulbridge ‘Sistine Chapel’ project. It was good to see it again after such a long break, it was like meeting up with an old friend. Despite being located in a busy ‘corridor’, the…
Play The Game 5
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Extra Time Aug 22 Like stepping from a time capsule I recently returned to Fulbridge Academy four years after completing the mammoth Sports Hall project. As I’d previously described the mural in terms of being ‘First Half’, ‘Second Half’ & ‘Third Half’, it seems fitting that I should…