Category: Fulbridge Sports Hall Mural – Second Half
Play The Game 5
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Extra Time Aug 22 Like stepping from a time capsule I recently returned to Fulbridge Academy four years after completing the mammoth Sports Hall project. As I’d previously described the mural in terms of being ‘First Half’, ‘Second Half’ & ‘Third Half’, it seems fitting that I should…
White Room
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project September ’17 – August ’18 The Whole Story: Before & After……………. Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
Play The Game 4
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half June ’18 Hot on the heels of ‘Play The Game 3‘, another update. Wall 7 is finished and I’ve now started work on the final wall. It’s therefore hardly surprising that I’ve had a tune stuck in my head over the last few days. However, despite…
Hand In Hand 2
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half More Hands!!!!!! Another collection of tricky digits! Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
Play The Game 3
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half May ’18 Tempus really fugits when you’re having fun, and suddenly it’s the end of another half term. The break has come at a good time. Despite having the huge benefit of a hydraulic powered platform and those lovely much needed revitalising cups of tea from Asma,…
Hand In Hand
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half Hands!!!!!! A bucketload of hands. An unexpected feature of the Fulbridge Sports Hall project. Didn’t really think about it when I was planning the design, but there are loads of them, and more to go yet! What a nightmare! Tricky things, hands. Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough…
Play The Game 2
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half March ’18 Three weeks since my last post and now a well earned short break, so a short progress report. Colour is being applied to the walls. A muted palette though, my intention is to maintain the light atmosphere of the room and not to cause…
Play The Game
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half February ’18 Following my Half-Time sojourn with the ‘Simply The Best’ mural project at King’s Cliffe Endowed Primary School, I have returned to Fulbridge Academy to begin the Second Half of the Sports Hall mural. The First Half, at the smaller end, which I referred to…
The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project September ’17 Soon after the start of the 2017/18 football season and I’m working at Fulbridge Academy again. I’m both honoured and excited to be given another opportunity to paint on a monumental scale and this time I’m in the Main Hall (now renamed as Looney Tune Land). This…