The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half
May ’18
Tempus really fugits when you’re having fun, and suddenly it’s the end of another half term. The break has come at a good time. Despite having the huge benefit of a hydraulic powered platform and those lovely much needed revitalising cups of tea from Asma, I’m feeling very tired. However, with a couple of weeks off to recharge the batteries (I’m referring to mine, not the lift) I will return refreshed and with the energy to complete the final stages.
The painting has progressed well. With walls 5&6 finished and wall 7 close to completion I will soon begin work on the Peterborough themed composition on wall 8, which will be the final piece of the jigsaw. In a few more weeks the design I imagined last summer will actually become a reality.
The Story So Far:
23.5.18. Day 50

Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
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