The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half
March ’18
Three weeks since my last post and now a well earned short break, so a short progress report. Colour is being applied to the walls. A muted palette though, my intention is to maintain the light atmosphere of the room and not to cause the walls to ‘close in’. In fact the tones used for the images are influenced by some images which Principal Ben Erskine produced for the school a couple of years ago. It feels quite a long time since he showed me how he had retouched some B&W photographs using the school colours, but the designs I produced for the appearance of these figures was a direct result of remembering that demonstration.
In contrast to the the ‘Invincible’ mural the walls I am currently painting are not portraits of anyone in particular, they are simply representations of Sporting Activities. Having said that, it was intentional that the Rugby player would bear a resemblance to Vice Principal Rhys Maddox.
The Story So Far:
23.3.18 Day 25

It’s been a particularly demanding project so far. There’s always a lot of mental activity with planning how to paint such large figures in order that they might become convincing, the need to adapt while working alongside the lessons taking place in the hall, as well as being faced with the wall of sound hitting the eardrums as enthusiastic voices encourage their team mates, but also the sheer physical effort required to tackle a project of this scale. My relationship with my very tall stepladder has been intimate indeed.
However when I return all will be different. Today I entered a Brave New World when I received delivery of a new hydraulic powered platform. This really was the day when Christmas arrived early!
Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
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