The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Second Half
February ’18
Following my Half-Time sojourn with the ‘Simply The Best’ mural project at King’s Cliffe Endowed Primary School, I have returned to Fulbridge Academy to begin the Second Half of the Sports Hall mural. The First Half, at the smaller end, which I referred to in earlier blogs as ‘Invincible’, involved painting the portraits of a collection of sporting heroes. The emphasis for this larger end will be sporting activities, although one of the walls will have a theme of sporting personalities from Peterborough.

Since my last visit some alterations have been made to the hall and some design modifications requested. The large projection screen has been removed and replaced with two computer monitors and some additional names have been added to the list for the Peterborough wall. Also, the Looney Tune Land characters from the Warner Brothers film ‘Space Jam’, which were previously included to reflect the name of the room, are now not required. As a consequence three of my previous designs for the 4 walls needed to be updated.
New Designs for Main Hall:

Sporting Activities: Netball / Cricket / High Jump / Football / Swimming / Running / Javelin / Discus / Wheelchair athletics / Roller Blading / Hammer Throw / Archery / Long Jump / Tennis / Gymnastics / Field Hockey / Rugby / Basketball

Peterborough Wall Figures: Louis Smith Gymnastics / Walter Cornelius Strongman / David Bentley, Luke Steele Football / James Ferrara Ice Hockey / Geoff Capes Athletics / Paul Barber Field Hockey / Ajaz Akhtar Cricket / Brian Brinkley Swimming / James Fox Rowing
Peterborough Wall Logos: Peterborough Panthers Speedway / Peterborough United Football / Peterborough Phantoms Ice Hockey / City of Peterborough Hockey Club / Peterborough Town Cricket Club / Peterborough Lions RFC / Peterborough Rugby Union Football Club
As mentioned previously in my first ‘Invincible’ blog, it’s a big job, so I will not be presenting a detailed report, instead I will post an occasionally updated photo diary again – this one might take me a long time to complete. I just hope I have the ability to fulfil what I’ve set myself to achieve, as well as the stamina. Having said that, the cups of tea Asma delivers to me on a regular basis is definitely a terrific body booster!
The Story So Far:
26.2.18 Day 9

Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
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