Tag: Peterborough
Come Together………….3
The Fulbridge Academy Sistine Chapel Project – The Sequel Movie……..the very end Aug ’22 Then, 7 years later, I returned to the Fulbridge ‘Sistine Chapel’ project. It was good to see it again after such a long break, it was like meeting up with an old friend. Despite being located in a busy ‘corridor’, the…
Bungle in the Jungle……….Encore!
Rainforest Mural at Dogsthorpe Junior School – The Movie 6 – 27.6.14 Dogsthorpe Academy, Central Avenue, Dogsthorpe ,Peterborough PE1 4LH
Night Owl
Celebration Mural at Newark Hill Academy 17 – 19.6.14 This week I returned to the Newark Hill Academy, Peterborough to complete some unfinished business. Before Easter I led a series of image making workshops which culminated in the production of a series of design ideas for a mural project. An outside wall had been identified…
I’m Still Standing
Caverstede Early Years Centre Mural– 11 Years Later It might be fate, it might be bad luck, but over the many years I have been building a digital version of the photographic archive of my paintings I have experienced hard disk crashes on three occasions. The last time this happened my back-up system failed too…
Night Boat to Cairo
Image making workshops at William Law Primary – Ancient Egypt 12.5.14 At the tail end of January I received an email from Darren Smith, First School Team Leader at William Law CE Primary School, Peterborough, with a invitation to spend a day working with some groups of children from year 3 and using Ancient Egypt as…
I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
‘Studio Tango Revisited’ One week before it was set in place I posted a movie on youtube of the Fulbridge Entrance painting in its finished but unvarnished state. Although staff and children at the school were aware of the design, and informed of the progress of the painting through photographs presented as a visual diary on…
Monster……………..the movie!
Fulbridge Reception Corridor – Mission Accomplished! 22.7 – 17.9.13 The Reception Corridor murals at Fulbridge Academy, one wall based upon the book ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell and the other The Gruffalo, The Gingerbread Man and Little Red Riding Hood. Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ