Tag: Children’s Books
Farm On The Freeway
Wolverhampton College – ‘Another Farmyard’ Bigger Picture Project 2001 Farmyard Tales – Stephen Cartwright Wolverhampton College, Bilston Campus, Wellington Road, Wolverhampton WV14 6BT
Jollity Farm
Stowlawn Early Excellence Centre – ‘In the Farmyard’ Bigger Picture Project 2001 Farmyard Tales – Stephen Cartwright Stowlawn Early Excellence Centre, Green Park Avenue, Bilston, Wolverhampton WV14 6EH
Walk The Dinosaur
The Fulbridge Academy Corridor Mural – Harry and the Dinosaurs July 12 Harry & the Bucketful of Dinosaurs – Ian Whybrow Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
Strangely Strange But Oddly Normal
Library Mural at Meadowside Primary, Burton Latimer July – August/September 20 ‘When dark clouds pull the skyI have cast my eyeTo the path where we are treading Oh I could wrack my brainTrying to explainWhere it is I think that we are heading’ (Dr Strangely Strange) It’s been a strange year. We’ve all had to…
The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) Revisited………….the movie!
‘Vivaldi’ Mural at St. Brendan’s Primary, Corby Completed August 20 St. Brendan’s Primary School, Beanfield Avenue, Corby NN18 OAZ
The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) Revisited
‘Vivaldi’ Mural at St. Brendan’s Primary, Corby 18 – 24 August 20 Following a 5 month interlude, last week I returned to St. Brendan’s Primary in Corby to complete the ‘Vivaldi‘ mini hall mural. On the one hand it felt like no time had passed at all and yet so much has happened. It was good to…
The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni)
‘Vivaldi’ Mural at St. Brendan’s Primary, Corby Feb – March 20 Once upon a time……. A new location, St. Brendan’s Primary in Corby, and a school with a musical reputation. Therefore when Headteacher Leanne Brydon invited me to design a painting with a collection of children’s book characters in four sections for their ‘Mini Hall’, the…
Land Of Make Believe
King’s Cliffe Endowed Primary School ‘Land Of Make Believe’ Mural 13.9 – 10.10.18 Back at King’s Cliffe Endowed Primary School and my brief from Headteacher Mrs Lynda Bowyer was to paint a corridor wall outside the library with storybook characters selected by the children. I painted a ‘Once Upon A Time’ mural with a similar theme…
Pure Imagination
‘Once Upon A Time’ Mural at Rowlatts Hill Primary School, Leicester 7.9.16 – 13.2.17 ‘If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to do, do it Wanna change the world? There’s nothing to it’ I know I’ve used the phrase ‘most challenging project’ before, and I hate to…