Tag: Claude Monet
The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) Revisited………….the movie!
‘Vivaldi’ Mural at St. Brendan’s Primary, Corby Completed August 20 St. Brendan’s Primary School, Beanfield Avenue, Corby NN18 OAZ
The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni) Revisited
‘Vivaldi’ Mural at St. Brendan’s Primary, Corby 18 – 24 August 20 Following a 5 month interlude, last week I returned to St. Brendan’s Primary in Corby to complete the ‘Vivaldi‘ mini hall mural. On the one hand it felt like no time had passed at all and yet so much has happened. It was good to…
The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni)
‘Vivaldi’ Mural at St. Brendan’s Primary, Corby Feb – March 20 Once upon a time……. A new location, St. Brendan’s Primary in Corby, and a school with a musical reputation. Therefore when Headteacher Leanne Brydon invited me to design a painting with a collection of children’s book characters in four sections for their ‘Mini Hall’, the…
Dido’s Lament
Remembrance Mural at Rowlatts Mead Primary Academy, Leicester Sept – Oct 19 ‘When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs createNo trouble, no trouble in thy breast;Remember me, remember me, but ah! forget my fate.Remember me, but ah! forget my fate’. (Dido’s Lament – Henry Purcell) Same place, but with a new…
Let’s Work Together
Warmington School/Titchmarsh Primary ‘Monet’ Mural 21.11.14 Four years on from Black Sunday and what better way to celebrate my recovery than by spending the anniversary painting a mural and participating in another ‘Sharing Day’ with Warmington and Titchmarsh Schools. This time there was a French theme, with the children coming together to experience a day…
Picture This
Image making workshops at Dogsthorpe Junior School – Landscape & Seascape 22 & 23.5.14 A couple of days working with children from year 4 at Dogsthorpe Junior School, Peterborough, to generate some ‘Landscape’ and ‘Seascape’ images following an invitation from Head Teacher Charlotte Krzanicki. The first day was spent using charcoal, the second chalk pastel. I…
Fly Away
Image making workshops at Newark Hill Primary 12.2.14 Week 3 at NHPS and rather than present more of my own work I showed a selection of images on the screen of my MacBook, examples of charcoal drawings by David Bomberg, Frank Auerbach, Dennis Creffield and Darren Fraser, and chalk pastels by Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet, Degas, Whistler, Munch…