Tag: Chalk Pastel
Shakin’ All Over
Image making workshops at the Fulbridge Academy – Pirates! 14.7.14 Shiver me timbers! It was back to the good ship ‘Fulbridge Academy’ this morning to lead the second of two portrait themed workshops. However the approach today had a distinct contrast with the previous session. To begin with the day had a Pirate theme and…
Picture This
Image making workshops at Dogsthorpe Junior School – Landscape & Seascape 22 & 23.5.14 A couple of days working with children from year 4 at Dogsthorpe Junior School, Peterborough, to generate some ‘Landscape’ and ‘Seascape’ images following an invitation from Head Teacher Charlotte Krzanicki. The first day was spent using charcoal, the second chalk pastel. I…
An End Has A Start
Image making workshops at Newark Hill Primary 19.3.14 Perhaps my last session in the classroom with my year 6 group at NHPS and this week our approach took a different tack, with design playing the central role. I began the workshop by showing a selection of images on my MacBook of the drawings produced during the…
Flying Colours
Image making workshops at Newark Hill Primary 12.3.14 To bring my charcoal & chalk pastel workshops at NHPS to some sort of conclusion, this morning the group used the whole session to work on the same drawing. An owl in flight was our subject again. There is a good reason why I have repeated this theme…
Town Called M-Alice
‘A Mad Tea-Party’ at Titchmarsh School– The Workshops 6.3.14 The title doesn’t quite work but I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity of including a song by The Jam on my ‘Blog Title Soundtracks‘ page. At the end of January I was invited to a meeting with Executive Head Josie Milton and Year 3&4 Classteacher…
Doin’ the Mess Around
Image making workshops at Newark Hill Primary 5.3.14 A two week break since my last visit to NHPS, so the priority with today’s session was to pick up momentum again. Not exactly a ‘Mess Around’ but definitely a constructive one in which invention and investigation played a major part. As with any medium I’d always encourage…
Fly Away
Image making workshops at Newark Hill Primary 12.2.14 Week 3 at NHPS and rather than present more of my own work I showed a selection of images on the screen of my MacBook, examples of charcoal drawings by David Bomberg, Frank Auerbach, Dennis Creffield and Darren Fraser, and chalk pastels by Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet, Degas, Whistler, Munch…
Image making workshops at Newark Hill Primary 5.2.14 My second week at NHPS and the medium used today was chalk pastel however we began by making some observations of the charcoal workshop, reflecting upon the successful and the not so successful aspects of the previous week’s session. Again I brought some of my own work to…
I Like Dirt
Artist in Residence at the Voyager Academy – The Workshops 5/13/20.11.13 An opportunity to work with year 8 and 6th form students as Artist in Residence at The Voyager Academy, Peterborough, with an invitation to lead image making workshops using unconventional materials and concluding by working with students to paint a large ‘cave’ painting. It began…