Category: Titchmarsh Mad Tea Party Mural
Town Called M-Alice……….Part 2
‘A Mad Tea-Party’ at Titchmarsh School– The Mural 4.4.14 One month after the World Book Day Drawing Workshops and I returned to Titchmarsh School for an ‘Alice in Wonderland‘ day to complete the Mad Tea Party project. On my last visit Eeyore met me at Reception, this time it was the Queen of Hearts. It…
Town Called M-Alice
‘A Mad Tea-Party’ at Titchmarsh School– The Workshops 6.3.14 The title doesn’t quite work but I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity of including a song by The Jam on my ‘Blog Title Soundtracks‘ page. At the end of January I was invited to a meeting with Executive Head Josie Milton and Year 3&4 Classteacher…