Roots to Branches 17


Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that’ – Bill Shankly

It’s said that when a football team wins at the weekend, their supporters trot off to work the next week with a spring in their step and productivity is increased. The Bruce Springsteen era at Molineux however has still to get into full swing, and a final minute equaliser to keep above the dotted line only on goal difference does little to lift the spirits. Nevertheless, following a 9 hour painting day on Friday, followed by another today, I’m refusing to let these dire circumstances distract me. After all, it’s not as if we haven’t been in this perilous position before and compared with the dark days of the ’80’s – this is small fry. I’ve just completed reading a book about WWFC – ‘The Boys from the Black Country’ by Mark Gold – and one chapter was headed ‘Wolverhampton Wanderers Can Seriously Damage Your Health’. I couldn’t agree more!

I may not have caught up with my backlog of correspondence today – but I’ve definitely been writing letters

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