Roots to Branches 20


There were some obvious candidates for the tunes rolling around in my head today, I had such a rich source of material to choose from. It could have been Respighi’s ‘Birds’, ‘On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring’ by Delius, Vaughan Williams’ ‘A Lark Ascending’, Rossini’s ‘Thieving Magpie’, Stravinsky’s ‘Firebird Suite’ or anything from the ‘Catalogue d’oiseaux’ by Messiaen. However I had none of the above. I needed something much, much louder. Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds’ just didn’t do it. Instead it’s been ‘Freebird’ by Lynyrd Skynyrd, ‘Learn to Fly’ by the Foo Fighters and ‘Fly Away’ by Lennie Kravitz. I needed loud. Very loud. So that I could drown out ‘Una Paloma Blanca’!!!

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