Roots to Branches 21


Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be, we’re going to Barns-sa-lee, Que Sera Sera’

A song from the Molineux terraces last season, and which becomes a reality tonight. It feels like a Cup Final too, which is a reflection of our dreadful position. A crunch match if ever there was one which could shape the rest of the season. Some might consider the UEFA Champions League match between Arsenal and Bayern Munich as the biggest match of the evening but I beg to differ. Although Oakwell may not be the venue for Champions League action just as much is at stake, maybe more. Arsene is looking for something special to save his season, but so are we. A win would give us some breathing space above the Championship tear-off strip dotted line and a spring in our step, a loss would drop us right in it. Being one place below but with only a one point margin Barnsley have the opportunity to overtake us and go two points ahead, with a game in hand. It’s a perfect example of the much talked about ‘6 pointer’.

Needless to say, my mind has wandered and concentration has been distracted but it’s been another day spent with birds, both inside the studio and listening to them singing happily outside it. Perhaps they’re trying to tell me something…………

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