Gentle Giant – Memories of Old Days (Stage 1)

Titchmarsh Primary School Library – the ‘BFG’ & Roald Dahl Storybook Murals


I’ve altered my ‘song title = blog title‘ habit this time and decided to include the group to whom the track belongs as well, the combination of the two couldn’t be more apt.

During my teenage years it was my good fortune to be surrounded by some terrific music and my soundtrack of choice tended to lean heavily toward the progressive rock idiom. Therefore, considering this entry is a reflection of two mural painting projects, the first based upon the book ‘The BFG’ by Roald Dahl and the second an interpretation of other stories by the same author, what better choice could I have than to remind the world of the lesser known but nevertheless wonderful Gentle Giant. Vivid memories of reading bedtime stories to my daughter Maria many years ago were obviously also dancing around in my head  – and what great memories they are – so I had the perfect track title to use too.

Earlier this week I presented drawing workshops to children at both Warmington and Titchmarsh Primary Schools, details of which can be found by clicking the appropriate school, and a selection of the drawings produced were to form the basis of a mural for the Titchmarsh School library.

During the last couple of days I made a selection of the drawings I felt would work well within the context of a mural inspired by ‘The BFG’ book and developed a design using Adobe Photoshop to present to Executive Head Josie Milton. Following our discussion of the proposed design I made a few alterations and today began the process of transferring it to the wall.

The second painting, located on the opposite wall, was a late request as a mural project and so appeared as an improvised composition during the second part of the day. Josie asked if I would produce a companion piece to the main project which would reflect a selection of other familiar Roald Dahl stories, so I have chosen to include James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, George’s Marvellous Medicine, Fantastic Mr Fox, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Twits and The Witches.

Titchmarsh Primary School
, School Lane, Titchmarsh, Kettering NN14 3DR

One response to “Gentle Giant – Memories of Old Days (Stage 1)”

  1. I remember the book with fond thoughts of Maria too! Great story well drawn by the children and presented well on the wall! Good Graffiti Rules!!

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