Epping Forest
Corporation of London Christmas Card Commission 2001 & 02

Centuries of leaves
In a cathedral of trees
Carpeted with breeze
Alone in a crowd
Light dim. A face peers out
From a crumpled skin
Ticker tape welcome
Confetti fluttering like
Pennies from Heaven
Rockin’ and Rollin’
Arms raised, Hallelujah’in
Tall, time-worn trees talkin’
Time-worn veteran
A portrait of life etched deep
In wooden wrinkles
Family clusters
Small processions of figures
Regal, triumphant
A shower of sunlight
Tall canopy filtering
Sun streaked whisp’ring winds
Faces emerging
A woodland Nativity
In pollarded trees
Leaf fall glittering
Autumn sunlight flickering
Black crows bickering
Cascading deadfall
A jackpot of leaf pennies
A blanket of gold
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