Tag: Haiku
Seasons Change
Landmarks & Milestones: A Painter’s Progress 5-29 October 2015 • The Castle, Wellingborough NN8 1XA Our lives follow a meandering path, taking us in different and unexpected directions. This retrospective exhibition is an opportunity to reflect upon a painting career that has incorporated a variety of subjects and activities, with dramatic changes in scale. From…
Miss You
Oh, Vienna An ongoing memento…….. In Graben A beautiful voiceSinging in a crowded streetWith dark, closed, blind eyes Time stilled, lost in songIgnored by walking talkers– but not by us 25.7.08
Other Side of the World
Behind the Iron Curtain in Leningrad & Moscow April 1986 Witnessing a worldBehind an Iron CurtainShutters shut. Blinds down Entrance permittedBut with movements restrictedSuspicion abounds Cold, grey, colourlessMonochrome. SepiatoneSpectrum hand-me-down * A first impression of Russia – Welcome to Leningrad Late night arrivalBlack sky, glist’ning snow – floodlightsA chill in the air Airport receptionMachine guns…
When in Rome
Roman Holiday 27.12.02 – 3.1.03 Like Hepburn and Peck It’s our ‘Roman Holiday’ Second honeymoon trek! * Speaking with gestures And an operatic tongue – Italiano! * Time to do nothing It’s ‘dolce far niente’ – Delicious idleness! * Rome Kerb Drill Firstly, find a Nun Wait close by her right hand side Don’t cross…
Worth the Wait
Catching Breath in Venice 8 – 10.1.06 Learning from a Master A daunting prospect Following giant footsteps And reputation Walking in a dream And looking through Turner’s eyes With captivation * Drowning in adjectives! Incomparable Majestic, ethereal Unbelievable Irreplaceable Mystical, sensational Unforgettable! * Looking back at Canaletto They’re inaccurate But entirely convincing. Paintings come alive!…
A Thousand Trees
Epping Forest Corporation of London Christmas Card Commission 2001 & 02 Centuries of leaves In a cathedral of trees Carpeted with breeze * Alone in a crowd Light dim. A face peers out From a crumpled skin * Ticker tape welcome Confetti fluttering like Pennies from Heaven * Rockin’ and Rollin’ Arms raised, Hallelujah’in Tall,…
Just Like Starting Over…………..
Haze. Sleep. Dream. Nightmare Suddenly. Without warning Prostrate. Hanging on A deep rooted pain Aggressive and insistent And out of this world Air gasped through gritted teeth Ribs crushed tight in hot barbed wire I refused to leave The other side called I almost lost ev’rything But wouldn’t let go …