Category: Me
The Liquidator
‘I was born under a Wanderers scarf’ “Why are you a Wolverhampton Wanderers supporter?” I’ve been asked for an explanation countless times over the years. But it’s a valid question. After all, I wasn’t born in Wolverhampton, nor have I ever lived or worked there and even though the School of Art is very close…
It’s All Over Now
Orchard Studio April 05 – June 20 Orchard Studio Farewell A white roomMy footsteps echoAll has gone Pause. Deep breathSilent reflection……….Time to leave Nothing lasts forever and earlier this year I was given notice to vacate my lovely studio. It has now been sold, so for the last few weeks I’ve been packing everything up. It’s been…
In My Life
25 albums that shaped my life I don’t think it’s ‘Cabin Fever’, but since the lockdown I’ve had some very strange dreams. They often have very surreal storylines featuring people and places I wished I’d taken more effort to try and visit, and they’re always so very mixed up. An interesting one I experienced recently…
Back Where You Started
A Step Back In Time ‘If perfection could be achieved it wouldn’t be worth having‘ A return to Thorpe Hall, 43 years later. Back in June 1974 I spent a day here painting a landscape for my ‘A’ level Art paper and made reference to it in a previous blog about my school art teacher…
Seasons Change
Landmarks & Milestones: A Painter’s Progress 5-29 October 2015 • The Castle, Wellingborough NN8 1XA Our lives follow a meandering path, taking us in different and unexpected directions. This retrospective exhibition is an opportunity to reflect upon a painting career that has incorporated a variety of subjects and activities, with dramatic changes in scale. From…
Start Me Up
The Importance Of Being Nobby ‘If you start me upIf you start me up I’ll never stop, never stop, never, never, ever stop………….‘ Many of my paintings have a hidden story and the memory of producing them is often indelible, which is one reason why I find so much difficulty parting with them. This one…
A Day in the Life…………
A Day in the Life of a Long-Suffering Sixth Form Art Master As usual on a Wednesday morning, the sixth form equivalents to Augustus John lounge in the Pottery Room chatting about the previous night’s life class. Suddenly through the door bursts the Art Master, complete with lunch pack and vacuum flask, with hair gradually…
Black Night
The Oak and the Reed 20 August 2013 An afternoon visit to the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge and, as has become habit, after walking up the steps and passing through the swivel door main entrance I immediately made for the first floor galleries. My first priority each time I visit is to find a small painting…
Man in the Mirror
ME Self Portrait a Day I’m Starting With The Man In The MirrorI’m Asking Him To Change His WaysAnd No Message Could Have Been Any ClearerIf You Wanna Make The World A Better PlaceTake A Look At Yourself,And Then Make A Change…………………. (Glen Ballard / Siedah Garrett 1988)
Just Like Starting Over…………..
Haze. Sleep. Dream. Nightmare Suddenly. Without warning Prostrate. Hanging on A deep rooted pain Aggressive and insistent And out of this world Air gasped through gritted teeth Ribs crushed tight in hot barbed wire I refused to leave The other side called I almost lost ev’rything But wouldn’t let go …