Tag: Beatles
Come Together………….1
The Fulbridge Academy Sistine Chapel Project – The Middle Bit………. 9.12.14 – 27.3.15 The Re-designs: The Painting: Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
A Day in the Life…………
A Day in the Life of a Long-Suffering Sixth Form Art Master As usual on a Wednesday morning, the sixth form equivalents to Augustus John lounge in the Pottery Room chatting about the previous night’s life class. Suddenly through the door bursts the Art Master, complete with lunch pack and vacuum flask, with hair gradually…
Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except For Me & My Monkey
Fulbridge Reception Corridor 22.7 – 2.8.13 A corridor mural inspired by the book ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ