Category: Roy Clark
Back Where You Started
A Step Back In Time ‘If perfection could be achieved it wouldn’t be worth having‘ A return to Thorpe Hall, 43 years later. Back in June 1974 I spent a day here painting a landscape for my ‘A’ level Art paper and made reference to it in a previous blog about my school art teacher…
Start Me Up
The Importance Of Being Nobby ‘If you start me upIf you start me up I’ll never stop, never stop, never, never, ever stop………….‘ Many of my paintings have a hidden story and the memory of producing them is often indelible, which is one reason why I find so much difficulty parting with them. This one…
A Day in the Life…………
A Day in the Life of a Long-Suffering Sixth Form Art Master As usual on a Wednesday morning, the sixth form equivalents to Augustus John lounge in the Pottery Room chatting about the previous night’s life class. Suddenly through the door bursts the Art Master, complete with lunch pack and vacuum flask, with hair gradually…