Roman Holiday
27.12.02 – 3.1.03

Like Hepburn and Peck
It’s our ‘Roman Holiday’
Second honeymoon trek!
Speaking with gestures
And an operatic tongue
– Italiano!
Time to do nothing
It’s ‘dolce far niente’
– Delicious idleness!
Rome Kerb Drill
Firstly, find a Nun
Wait close by her right hand side
Don’t cross till she’s begun!
Fast cars, horns blaring
Look left, right and left again
Then walk, not caring!
Eternal city
Filled with ghosts of Old Masters
Living history
Raphael, Bernini
MichelAngelo, Caravaggio
– Waiting in shadows
Theatre of Blood
Sinister killing machine
A dark Colossus
Jawdropping structure
Architectural marvel
Wonder of the world!
In crumpled blankets
Wretched shop doorway creatures
Sleeping motionless
A dreadful demise
Pitiful rag bag on crutches
Soulful, begging cries
Normal holiday refrain
Stair rods bouncing off our brain
We’re three drowned rats again
Brellymen calling
Street seller entrepreneurs
Touting for business
Brellies? Dark glasses?
Stocked for fine and wet weather
And hedging their bets
Bocca della Verita
Honesty and Truth
Open mouth or Drain cover?
One reply required
A sidestreet café
Strong Espresso or Latté
Revival assured
Trevi Fountain
Eyes bright, bulbs flashing
Excited screams, throatlashing
Smiles beam, 3 coins splashing!
Greeting the New Year on the Ponte Sisto
Dark canvas with pearls
Fleeting moments of beauty
Fireworks at midnight
With a shaking voice
Frail figure at a window
Speaking to the world 1.1.04
A Face at the Window
A figure in white
Trembling voice, a shaking head
A New Year message 1.1.04
Taste explosion!
Such a different texture!
Not ice cream – Gelati!
Visiting the Vatican Museums
Waiting with patience
Shuffling snake of umbrellas
Queueing in silence
The Sistine Chapel
Head back. Eyes wide. Mouth open.
No words needed!
Living museum
An unrivalled collection
Where treasures abound
Paintings and Sculpture
Architectural glories
History on tap!
Danger! I’m drowning
A cultural overload
So much to swallow!
Penetrating eyes
A calm, confident posture
Pope Innocent X
Pantheon pigeons
Hungry low flying sky rats
Tormenting tourists
By 26 Piazza di Spagna – John Keats’ last home
Strangers at sunset
Sauntering spectators
Chill on Spanish Steps
Rome still casts its spell
A group of teenage students
Enter their hotel
Adored and admired
Another generation
Impressed and inspired
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