The Fulbridge Academy Sports Hall Project – Third Half
June ’18
Running late, but never mind, there have been a few distractions recently, there’s been a World Cup to keep tabs on. As mentioned in my previous blog, I’ve now reached the final ‘Peterborough’ themed wall, the finishing line is in sight.
My design has been updated since I posted Invincible, my first Fulbridge Sports Hall project blog. The composition is similar, the seven sports club logos remain in the same position but the overall layout has changed a little as the painting now includes some extra figures. Walter Cornelius (Strongman), James Ferrara (Ice Hockey), Geoff Capes (Athletics) and Brian Brinkley (Swimming) have been added to the list which previously included Louis Smith (Gymnastics), David Bentley (Football), Luke Steele (Football), Paul Barber (Field Hockey), Ajaz Akhtar (Cricket) and James Fox (Rowing), but I bet at some point I’m going to be told I’ve still missed someone really important. Oh well…..
Needless to say painting on walls has its problems, there is never a perfectly flat surface and there are always obstacles to work around. This wall’s no different and in order that the design doesn’t appear to have been severely cut off at the corner of the room I’ve continued the design onto the adjoining wall. However, this has created the need to paint another anamorphic distortion.
I’ve faced this predicament with several figures in this project, with Tanni Grey-Thompson and the Gymnast, Hockey, Rugby, Basketball and Netball players. All one can do in these circumstances is to make the best of it and try to achieve the best possible effect from as many viewing points as possible. Nevertheless there are bound to be areas where the distortion looks awkward, but this is unavoidable, it’s something that has to be lived with. Sadly oarsman James Fox has drawn the short straw this time. All I can say is, “Sorry James”.
The Story So Far:
13.6.18 Day 58

Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
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