1.5.12 Day 2

The journey to school took an hour thanks to a traffic jam on the Parkway, I arrived at 9.25 and my first job of the day was to complete the drawing in of the design. An hour later this had been achieved and I began mixing two contrasting grey tones using the white and black emulsion Iain bought for me yesterday. Hopefully I’ve mixed enough to paint the whole composition, I’ll never be able to mix the same tones again! The rest of the day has been spent painting. There have been several interruptions with many conversations taking place as children and adults pass by. I worked till 6.00 to stand a chance of meeting my deadline, my original estimate to Iain was that the painting should take about 5 days. I’ll have a clearer idea at the end of tomorrow’s session whether I will be able to achieve this.
Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
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