Category: Fulbridge Champions Mural
We Are The Champions……………8
Mohandas Gandhi, Anne Frank, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Florence Nightingale, Mary Wollstonecraft, Ludwig van Beethoven Charles Darwin, William Wilberforce, Isaac Newton, Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Mother Teresa Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
We Are The Champions……………7
8.5.12 Day 6 Finished! It was a close thing however, even more spectators spoke to me as the painting neared its conclusion. I began the day by completing Beethoven’s wild swirling locks which I didn’t finish yesterday. As much as I admire him, today I would have preferred it if he was bald! This was…
We Are The Champions……………6
4.5.12 Day 5 Some good news. Some bad news. Day 5 of the mural and the good news is that it’s taking shape very well; the bad news is that I’ve been unable to complete it within the time frame I’d estimated. Had I spent the week painting in the privacy of my studio I…
We Are The Champions……………5
3.5.12 Day 4 I’m closing on the finishing straight, I may be on course to complete the task tomorrow. Both grey tones have been applied and now that I have begun using black paint the portraits are beginning to emerge from the wall. A comment by one child has to be the quote of the…
We Are The Champions……………4
2.5.12 Day 3 It’s been another full day and I’ve made good progress, time will tell if it’s enough. Nevertheless I couldn’t have worked faster or done more than I have. The children are seeing a very large painting evolve from a blank white surface into a finished state gradually as each day passes, and…
We Are The Champions……………3
1.5.12 Day 2 The journey to school took an hour thanks to a traffic jam on the Parkway, I arrived at 9.25 and my first job of the day was to complete the drawing in of the design. An hour later this had been achieved and I began mixing two contrasting grey tones using the…
We Are The Champions……………2
30.4.12 Day 1 We are the champions – my friends And we’ll keep on fighting – till the end You don’t become a ‘champion’ by half measures and everyone included in this composition achieved their reputations through their dedication and by keeping on fighting – till the end. Sharing the presence of these special people…
We Are The Champions……………1
My mission, if I chose to accept it, was a mural, an invitation from Iain Erskine, Head of Fulbridge School, Peterborough. The theme – ‘Champions of Humanity’. The catch – that it would be painted in a corridor during a normal school day, with staff and children watching its progress as they went about their…