2.5.12 Day 3

It’s been another full day and I’ve made good progress, time will tell if it’s enough. Nevertheless I couldn’t have worked faster or done more than I have. The children are seeing a very large painting evolve from a blank white surface into a finished state gradually as each day passes, and they’re able to speak with the person doing it.
The day began where I left off yesterday, applying a light grey tone to each of the 15 portraits, but by late morning I began application of the darker grey tone. The composition is beginning to take shape, I would like to have completed this stage and begun applying the black tone before I leave tomorrow. I’m receiving a regular stream of compliments while I’m working from passers by, both adult and student, which is encouraging. This afternoon a whole class, primed by their teacher, walked by in single file, each saying “It’s coming along” as they passed me – imitating their teacher who has spoken that same line every time he’s walked by. Thank you Craig! There’s a great atmosphere in this school!
Fulbridge Academy, Keeton Rd, Peterborough PE1 3JQ
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